Call for Papers

Our #MFE25 Call for Papers is now open, see all the important details and dates down below.

Submit your talk

Call for Papers

Welcome to the Middlesbrough Front End Conference, a gathering designed for engineers, web architects, technology leaders, and digital agencies at the forefront of the ever-evolving landscape of modern web development. 2025 welcomes our 3rd annual conference, where we will welcome over 200 enthusiastic attendees and a stellar lineup of speakers. Over the last two years we have welcomed the likes of Michelle Barker, Jo Franchetti, Jake Archibald, Harry Roberts, Salma Alam-Naylor Eddie Jaoude, Sophie Koonin, Phil Hawksworth, and many more!

We are thrilled to announce the call for papers (CFP) for MFE 2025.

Scheduled to grace Middlesbrough's Riverside Stadium on June 12, 2025, MFE 2025 is on the lookout for exceptional speakers to contribute 40-minute presentations and 20-minute lightning talks. While we'll continue to curate and invite speakers, we're also inviting community-generated proposals to diversify our content.

Key Dates

  • Submission Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025
  • Decision Date: Monday, March 31, 2025

Feel free to submit multiple talk proposals, whether solo, as a duo, or part of a panel. Ensure each form entry features only one talk proposal.

Themes of interest to our attendees include:

  • Modern browser capabilities and APIs
  • Performance and accessibility in web development
  • Animation
  • Serverless
  • Web development best practices
  • Static site generators
  • Fullstack Development with JavaScript
  • Talk Length/Duration

Ideally the duration of your talk should be between 30 - 35 minutes.

Who We Want to Hear From

Our CFP is open to everyone, regardless of background, origin, experience, or skill level. Whether you're contemplating your first conference talk or are a seasoned presenter, we want to hear your unique perspective. We are committed to making MFE an inclusive and welcoming environment for both attendees and speakers. Although our CFP is open to everyone Worldwide, budget constraints may not cover the full travel costs if you are travelling from outside of Europe.

Benefits for Selected Speakers

30/35 minute Presentations

  • Complimentary Conference Ticket
  • £500 speaker stipend
  • Travel and hotel accommodations for up to 2 nights
  • Invitation to the Speakers Dinner

If you purchase a conference ticket and are subsequently chosen as a speaker through the CFP, we will issue a full refund for the ticket.